Monday, October 4, 2010

The Village Class Routine

Village Classes are filled with routine.   Everything we do in Kindermusik class is designed to work on 6 areas of childhood development:  Physical, linguistic, cognitive, emotional, social, and musical development.

Each class starts with baby exercise.  We have been working on helping the babies to open their chests in order to help alleviate congestion.  Here you see some strong and flexible babies doing a "headstand", "half bow" and even a "full bow". 

Village Kiddos in "headstand"

Miranda happily masters the "Half Bow"

Flexible Jani achieves the "Full Bow"!!

Dancing and Movement is also an important part of the Village class.  It helps baby feel the beat, learn vocabulary, and helps with visual tracking.  Here we have some babies dancing to "Dance Little Baby".   
We go UP on the word "UP".....

and DOWN on the word "DOWN".....

We even take turns going UNDER and AROUND in the song "Round and Round the Village"

Instrument Play-Alongs are a fun part of Kindermusik!  We are working on steady beat....But as you can see, these kids also enjoy taste testing the instruments!  No worries, we disinfect the instruments.  We know that babies learn through experiencing objects in their mouths!

Samuel celebrates his 1st birthday jingling to the beat at Kindermusik class!

Yum!  Jingles!!?!

Taylor is drumming with her feet! 

Samuel and Alaina drum together!

Leah drums with her bottom! 
Logan tries to decide if he should drum on Leah! 
Taylor thinks the whole thing is ridiculous!
The Vestibular System is something that we talk about a lot in Village.  The Vestibular System is the inner sense of balance that we stimulate when we rock, sway, or off-set baby's balance.  The sleds are one way we stimulate the vestibular system by doing pathways that are smooth, bumpy, zig-zagging, and spinning.

Bubble Time is not just for is an ongoing science experiment of cause and effect, it is helping young ones with their visual tracking and hand-eye coordination, and it becomes a great social time with one another!

At home, try doing the poem, "The Train Climbs Up The Track".  With babies on your lap, bounce to the beat, lifting your knees so the babies are up high on "The Train Climbs Up The Track".  Stimulate your child's vestibular system by doing some gentle "drops" on "Whoo  Whoo Whoo!"

The Train Climbs Up The Track
Chugga-Chugga- Chug!

The Train Comes Rushing Back!
Wooo Wooo Woooo!

Til Next Time!

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