The carpenter's hammer goes RAP RAP RAP
And his saw goes SEE-SAW-SEE!
He hammers and hammers!
And saws and saws!
And builds a house for me!
Remember that doing the "hammer" action (with one hand in a fist hitting the flat palm of the opposite hand) is a developmental skill. It is hard for toddlers to do something different with one hand than the other! Applaud their attempts as they try to make the hammer action!
Our Time Classes have also been busy as can be with HOUSEWORK! We started by cleaning up the house in "All Around the Kitchen". We used our scarves to clean up pretend spills on the kitchen floor. Then we had some fun throwing the scarves up in the air and hiding underneath our scarves! Peek-a-boo!
Cruz cleans up a "spill"....What a good worker! |
Emma catches a scarf |
Where's Gracie? |
Cruz and Anthony are hiding...Peek-a-boo! |
Time to do the laundry! We used stretchy circles to make a washing maching in class.
"We are clothes in a washing machine!" |
"We wiggle and we giggle until we are clean!" |
"Then Mama shakes us out to dry And hangs us on the clothesline high!" |
The parachute is a great part of Kindermusik! Not only does it teach about HIGHS and LOWS with BIG impact, it is just plain fun and a great way for the kiddos to get social with one another!
The Goodbye Song is an important ending ritual for the Our Time Class. We wave hands goodbye, shake hands with a friend, and give hugs. So many wonderful friendships are started in Kindermusik class!"Shake somebody's hand and sing goodbye!" |
"Give a little hug and sing goodbye.... Sing goodbye, goodbye!" |
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