Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kindermusik "Cities": Preschool Aged Family Time and Imagine That Spring 2011!

Hello, Kindermusik Families!

We have really had a great semester.  I hope you enjoyed your Cities unit as much as we did!  It is a fun one!  This semester, our Imagine That Preschool classes as well as our Older Section of Family Time did the Cities unit.   Here are a few notes about what we were up to in this unit about the CITY!

1.  "GO and STOP" in the City!  This is a fun song about all the hustle and bustle in the city!  Stopping our movements is not easy!  That is called inhibitory control.  Whether we are moving one part of the body, moving our whole body (locomotor movement), or contolling a scooter (that was lots of fun!)  stopping and going takes a lot of coordination! 

We also did some "start and stops" with our instruments.  This helps reinforce good listening skills and following directions and also helps learn the musical concept of the "rest"--listening and counting beats of silence (golden!)

2.  Elevator and Escalator!  This is a fun song about going UP and coming DOWN!  The kids listened to vocal glissandos in this song (and also SANG along, doing vocal slides with their own voices!).  We also had them use the ramps and balls to SEE the visual of going UP and coming DOWN!  Keep practicing these vocal slides at home when moving things (or yourself) UP and DOWN!

3.  The Broom Man!  As we talked about the parts of the city---the sights, the sounds, etc., we can't forget about the ones who keep things running smoothly!  I hope the kiddos enjoyed being the "broom man" as they swept pom pom balls with their feather dusters!  This was a favorite!

4.  Pretzels for Sale!  The kids are beginning to learn about the street vendors in the city.  Have them use their speaking voice, their calling voice and their singing voice to call out, "Pretzels for sale!  Pretzels for sale!  Come and buy my pretzels!!"  They enjoyed doing these vocal exercises!

5.  Apples and Bananas!  This is a familiar silly song about LONG VOWELS that makes for a fun activity at home.  Keep singing this in the car as you buzz around town.  It really helps reinforce those long vowel sounds in a FUN way!

I like to eat eat eat
Apples and Bananas!
I like to eat eat eat
Apples and Bananas!

Then change all the vowels to long A, long E, long I, long O, and long U.. LIke this:
I like to UTE UTE UTE
Upples and BUNUNUs....

(The kids usually hoot with laughter at this!)

6.  Jobs in the City:  The kids learned about all about some different JOBS in the city, as well as the tools they use! We had fun focusing on the baker, the barber and the cobbler using our instruments as tools as we grooved to the music!  We also learned about artists in the city--painters, musicians, dancers, and sculpters.  Here the kiddos are working on building their own artistic sculpture!

6.  City Structures:  The kids learned about all about some different city structures---from houses to skyscrapers!  Here are the kiddos and their "instrument houses" using their listening ears to tell which intrument to use!  And later, the kids tried their hand at making a cityscape or tall skyscraper out of our pool noodle beads!

Thank you for a wonderful semester!  We have enjoyed your little ones so very much!  Please join us again this summer (starting June 20) or fall (starting August 6)  for more fun and learning with music!  If you haven't reserved your spot in class, I encourage you to do so.  It is a small deposit, and will ensure you get the spot you want in class.  Don't miss out! 

Click here for Summer registration: Summer Registration Link
Click here for Fall registration:  Fall Registration Link

 Have a great break!

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